Monday, February 8, 2010

this lenten season...

Although my family is not Catholic, we have always given things up for Lent. Among my personal vices I have sacrificed over the years are television, soda, alcohol, fried food, and red meat. Some years sacrificing mulitple items to really make it a challenge. Obviously this year I have already given up most sodas and fried food as well as all alcohol considering our most recent post.

So with that being said, I was having some difficulty figuring out what I should give up this year. Just because I am pregnant doesn't mean I shouldn't participate.

So after some prayerful consideration I decided to look at it from a positive side. Why not, instead of giving up something why don't I pledge to do something that is a challenge, that requires some sacrifice as well!

So this lenten season, I am going to pledge to cook 2 meals per week. This does not mean lasgana or pizza from the freezer. I am going to step out of my comfort zone and cook meals. Real meals.

Most of you know what a difficult challenge this will be for me, so you know it took some serious prayerful consideration to commit to, but I think not only will it help me become more comfortable in the kitchen, but it will take some pressure off of Rick's gazillion responsibilities around here! Plus, today has been my most energized day since I took the pregnancy test so I believe my energy is coming back. And I mean, I don't know what I have been waiting for, I can bake any recipe I have tried!

It is only 6 weeks = 12 meals total. So I am going to go through my Real Simple Magazines and find some delicious 30-minute meals and get to it! I believe this will also get me a lot more comfortable grocery shopping as well! An all around positive experience!

If you have an meal suggestions that a novice cook like myself could use, it would be much appreciated!

Happy Cooking!

your soon-to-be-enlightened richmond rices.

1 comment:

Kate @ The Fetching Life said...

Thats such a good idea :) Rachel Ray has a good book, I believe it is called "2-4-6" (something like that) that has a lot of good stuff and the portions are already set up for 2 people, 4, or 6 for those of us that are bad at math. :) xo!