Tuesday, February 14, 2012

i'm baaaackkk

Where do I even begin?

It has been almost 5 months since my last post. My apologies. I could blame the speed of life, or my job promotion, or my toddler...
Or I could be honest and say it is truly because we got rid of our internet.

Yeah about that... 
I have since realized that it is the 21st century and internet is kind of a must.
I have realized that this blog is not only a journal about my life as a mother, wife and educator but it is beyond therapeutic for me. 
I have realized how much I LOVE to write and not having this blog to document my feelings in such a personal way (for anyone to read who wants to... how personal is that?) has been a bit of a hole in my life.

So I am baaaackkk...

I will do my best to update with pictures and videos the best I can, with everything that has happened in the last 5 months, and will somehow, hopefully, stay on top of the current happenings as well. It very well may take me a few weeks, even months to do it, but it will be done. It has to be done. For me, for Rick and for Cooper.

So I invited you on a small trip down our memory lane. Back to October of last year... Back to the holidays, to our many mini-vacations, promotions, job changes, media appearances and even talk and by talk I mean TALK) of another baby.

Let the memories commence!

But in the meantime...