Sunday, February 21, 2010

So I said not to run out a buy everything blue since we aren't quite 100% sure Bebo is a boy. But for $4, I really couldn't resist.
How perfect is this? Especially with a Daddy like Rick! He, of course, loved it!

Bebo already has 2 other t-shirts, a pair of khakis, 2 skully onesies and even a pair of swimming trunks! Slowly but surely we are building a wardrobe! The next thing on my list of must-haves... Vans softies!
I cannot wait to get some little checked vans for Bebo to rock and purple sneakers for LSU games of course, but I guess I will have to wait until our doctor is 100% Bebo is a boy!

Can you tell we are starting to get really excited?? It makes it so much more real knowing the gender! But we still have 2 more months to know for sure and then the huge task of picking out all the important things comes, like car seats, strollers and cribs!

It feels like we are going to have a baby before we know it, time is flying by! I guess that is why the preparation is 9 months!

That is all from this extremely excited mom-to-be!

Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful afternoon.

your too-excited richmond rices.


ZestyDoubleZ said...

Why does the baby have to be a boy to wear the dirt shirt or the vans?

Is cousin Lizz going to have to show this baby what being "asexual" is all about?!?

I'd wear the dirt shirt NOW if it fit! Let's be honest. Get it whatever you want!

LOVE YOU & Bebo! <3

Erin Rice said...

Oh don't worry, my daughter will be rockin' some vans just like her mommy but probably not a dirt shirt. I'm all about gender neutral but I'll leave that for when she can make her own choices! This is all under the assumption we have a girl at some point!