Sunday, December 9, 2007

santa sighting.

Rick and I were laying on the couch watching tv like usually and all of a sudden we hear this really loud music playing outside. So we put on our coats and go outside to see what all the racket is about. And we spot about 100 people dressed up like santa!

Unfortunately, where we thought this was some kind of good pro-christmas statement, after a quick google search we found that it was just a drunken rampage called Santacon. Apparently it is a 12-14 hour event, involveing lots of alcohol and lots of cops, and everybody is supposed to wear a santa costume.

But that is okay. They were very friendly (obviously) and were singing carols and dancing to their huge portable boom-box. So even if it wasn't for a good cause it was still neat to watch since this is our first Christmas here.

Sorry the pictures are blurry but they were moving pretty quickly.

your santa-sighting portlaners.

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