Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My Sweet Cooper James

Oh Cooper, my dear sweet Cooper James. 

How does a mother sum up the beauty that you carry each and every day. The beauty that is your ease and trust and comfort in the face of distress. Usually it is my crazy motherly ways trying to explain to you for the 20th time why you must have yet another surgery, for yet another attempt to make all this sickness go away so that when the nurses come for you, you will walk away a little nervous but not scared and no peeling of those sweet little paint stained fingers will be required. 

Then when the doctor walks in and asks if you have any questions you say, "Nope, I am going to get the mask and take a nap, so you can take my boogers and  'not out my nose." Cool as a cucumber. And the first response of your neurotic loving mother is to cry because you are just so well adjusted. You handle everything in stride without too much worry (I suppose I worry enough for all of us). And as the tears begin to fall I am just so damn proud of you I could melt to bits, right there on the floor in the surgery center.

I am continually blown away each time I recall the past almost 3 years of my life. It is filled with some of the hardest moments I have ever had in this life. But with every rough point their is another equally bright tremendously brighter because of the beauty that is our dear sweet Cooper James.

My life is so much brighter (and so are my walls... floors... tables... and couches...) with you in it and boy are you going to put your mark on this world and I cannot wait to see what it looks like.

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