Thursday, November 26, 2009

Oh, turkey day how I love thee!

I am thankful for...
...a loving husband who lets me sleep in and might not always do the right thing but tries pretty damn hard to. amazing familyx2. Aunts that say things like you are an ooey-gooey girl and uncles that say things like "Yeah, people in my church are killing people in mafia wars, it's confusing... it's like opposite day!" Sisters that text me to let me know about circut sales, sisters that remember the marshmellows on the yams and sisters that skype to talk about skyping boots AND mothers that tell me I am a smart cookie and bake apple pies and mashed potatoes to take home... just to name a few!
...amazing friends that invite us over to experience new ways to eat yams, introduce new learning tools like african dwarf frogs and text from 1500 miles to say they are thinking of us!
...a new church family that is both honest and welcoming and makes me feel like I am a part of something bigger than myself (which is often easy to forget!)

Each and every day no matter where we are or what we are doing something or someone is there to remind us how blessed we are. We hope everyone in our life realizes how thankful we are to have this life and every single person in it.

Have a happy and blessed thanksgiving! We hope this finds everyone as stuffed and sleepy as we are!

your oh-so-very-thankful richmond rices.

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