Wednesday, September 8, 2010

worst timing ever!

Yea, that's right... Worst timing for our computer to crash!

I promise to update on the whirlwind of emotions leading up to Cooper's birthday and our very difficult decisions surrounding his birth and of course his birth story.

But until then, since I'm blogging from my blackberry, I will leave you with a quick update.

Cooper James Rice was born Monday, August 30 at 8:13am weighing a whopping 8lbs 11oz and measuring 21 inches long!

We are all doing wonderfully, even Fletch who is adjusting very well to our added pack member.

Stay tuned for the long stories and the millions of pictures! But give me a week or so while we wait for our new computer!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I have been checking every day for a blog update! Hurry new computer HURRY!!!