The last couple of days have been difficult adjusting back into a work schedule only to have 4 days off. AGAIN. and then we fly to nawlins this weekend and have 3 days off AGAIN. One would think one wouldn't complain of having days off. But seriously, it is insanely difficult to adjust!
Anyway, so the redskins won which was awesome, now they are going to the playoffs! Rick and I decided if they go all the way to the Super Bowl we will use our skymiles to fly to Arizona for that instead of having a honeymoon. So it will kind of be a pre-wedding honeymoon. How perfect that we got engaged moments before Redskin kickoff and then our honeymoon would be the Super Bowl!!! But we gotta cross our fingers that they even go. If we beat Seattle in the wild card weekend, we still have to beat Dallas AGAIN!
We went to the Grotto on Sunday. It is the super duper Catholic place that hosts the Festival of the Lights. It was way more religious and a lot smaller than we expected but still super duper beautiful!
And for the New Year, we had planned to go to Kells, a local Irish pub, to bring in the New Year. As we were getting off the streetcar to catch the max... We ended up running into Steve one of our LSU friends. He is from New Orleans and watches the games with us here in portland. It was sort of one of those meant-to-be situations, so we ended up bar hopping with Steve and his girlfriend. We had a great time! And even better, he is cooking corned beef, split pea soup, black eyed peas, and cabbage today for the new year. So don't worry we will get our good luck in for this fabulous year!
Elizabeth and I.
This year is a big year!
1. Granfan and Pop are celebrating 60 years of marriage. That is an amazing achievement and they should be so proud! Not many couples will even see 60 years! And they are still so happy! Rick and I (and Chris and Mollie) have something to immulate.
2. Chris and Mollie get married!
3. Rick and I get married!
Apparently, this is the year of marriage!
So we haven't really made any resolutions. I know what they would be if we did. But I think we should use the whole year to better ourselves regardless of a new year. I feel like I spend most of my energy on figuring out a way to be a better person regardless what month/day it is. And I plan to continue until I am dead. Hopefully God will give me many, many years to accomplish this. Although, I don't think it is a goal that will ever be met, for we can always improve no matter who we are.
So, maybe instead of making resolutions like loosing weight, we should all focus on our own personal flaws, whether it be impatience or judgemental, and try and change that instead. If every person in the world could change one negative thing about themselves, imagine how wonderful the world would be. We would be on the path to heaven on earth. Wouldn't that blow New Years resolutions out of the water? The thought of it makes me smile.
I hope this finds everybody well and happy. We wish the world a happy new year!
your insightful oregonians.
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