Friday, September 16, 2016

I'm baaaack!

I miss writing to write. I miss working through the hard stuff to find the silver lining which is what this thing has always been for me. I guess the good news is that we haven't had a lot of hard stuff to work through, which has been such a nice change in our #ricelife. But I started reading old posts last night and loved remembering everything in such detail. Two years is a long time to stay away and there is so much more I have to say...

Like how #tazmanianG has challenged everything about who I am as a parent and he is only 3 years old. Yes, our middle child, aka Number Two, has his own hashtag. He is too f*ing crazy not to. (Sorry Aunt Pam for the cursing, but I know you can relate!) I could write a whole blog JUST on him. We used to call it #griffsense because the stories were things that only made sense to him. Like these outlandish stories he tells us about preschool that obviously couldn't be true, and I know that because I work there, but if I was a regular parent, I might be worried where I am sending my kid. 

And how he gets hurt. Every. Single. Day. I swear someone is going to think we are abusing him. This morning, he thought running through the house, at 7am would be a brilliant idea. Apparently he miscalculated his turn through a doorway and hit his cheek, or so he says. He is now rocking a linear bruise on the side of his face, so upon hearing this story I knew that he was in fact telling me the truth. This time.

I recently saw an article claiming studies show that children who lie are more intelligent than those children who don't and the earlier they start the smarter they will be. Uh WHAT?! I guess the good news is that if it is in fact true, G will be golden. Last week I watched him take his hand and hit his brother so hard on the back that his brother yelped in pain. Upon telling Griffin that I saw him hit his brother, he insisted that it wasn't him! Uh WHAT?! Yeah okay and I have 3 heads and I like to cook! (The later is actually becoming true! I know, I can't believe it either... more on that later).

So here I am, with (obviously) so much to say. And now that our newest addition has fallen into a predictable routine, I have a little bit of free time... well at least a couple of hours with both hands free to type... and I feel like it is time to get back to it. To work through life as a mom of three, combating middle child syndrome and at the very least saving all the good real stuff so I can read it later on.
Image credit: Carmen Doherty Photography

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